#safetyonthewater Music to your mother’s ears. 🥰

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Charlie Daly

Never followed anything like this before, but I was intrigued after seeing a piece on Facebook months ago through the MJF foundation, which I follow. I have been following your journey since Day 1 of kayaking around Ireland. Your stay-put posts are not boring at all. There is something to be said about the “good idleness” you referred to. It also has a time and place and in our super-crazy lives, many of us don’t give it the space it truly deserves. I am glad you are on this journey. It is much more than just a kayaking trip. Your life will be forever changed.


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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Charlie Daly

Hey Charlie...Kip and I are usually "evening followers" - a vicarious adventure for us with cocktails! - but tuning in this morning of Day 10 after a pre-dawn light show, thunderclaps, and loss of power. We followed earth.nullschool.net to see the wind and wave action and coupled with the astounding water temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico and our own local squalls, we are watching your journey with a third eye on the planet's surface. Hearing your report of non-existent cliffside rest stops for miles, we tuned into the docuseries, Coastal Ireland, in hopes of seeing what you and Dave experienced. I imagine it's difficult not getting in the weeds of your land-bound waiting, but you are giving us all a marvelous journey - familiar because of the accompanying tension and joy with any great endeavor, and the great exposure and financial benefit to MJFF. Keep cookin' ! Lots of love...Kip and Chib

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Charlie Daly

Sweet boat there.

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